Initial Account Setup
Account Profile
Click on "Account Setting" from the top right navigation. This would land you on the account setting page where you can set up your account the way you like. On the first tab "Account Profile", please enter as much information as you can so that we can get in touch with you about your account. The timezone in this section would be the default timezone for your entire account's clients unless it's changed on the individual client setting page.
The next tab "Branding" is where you can customize your account with your own brand. This would turn your account into a white-label account where only your logo and your brand color would be shown for all your clients.
"Login Address" is your own brand custom subdomain where you & your clients login to your account. This was initially set up for you with a generic subdomain, but you can change it with your own custom subdomain of choice.
"Background Color" is the color of the background behind your logo. Choose a color that best matches your own brand.
"Header Logo" is your brand logo. Choose your brand logo to be replaced with the DreamCampaigns logo.
For "Site Name" use the name of your brand, which will be used anywhere we mention DreamCampaigns name on the site.
Sending Domains
A sending domain is a domain that is used to indicate who an email is from via the From: header. Using a custom sending domain enables you to control what recipients see as the From: value in their email clients. DNS records can be configured for a sending domain, which allows recipient mail servers to authenticate your messages. This section provides the means to create, list, retrieve, update, and verify a custom sending domain.
Click on the "New Sending Domain" button and add your sending domain. Once you have added the domain, click on the "action" dropdown and select "Instructions". This will show you how to go about setting up the domain in your domain registrar so that we can use it as the "From" address for your campaigns. Once you have followed the instructions and configured the domain in the domain registrar, we will automatically verify the domain and will activate it for your account if everything is configured correctly. Alternatively you can select "Verify" from the "action" dropdown to verify the domain and activate it.
SMS Setting
The next tab is where you would configure your SMS preferences. If you would like your own custom Textable Number, you can get purchase one here. This number will be used to send and receive texts for your account.
You can also choose to not send any texts to international numbers. Please note that this is only for outgoing texts but incoming texts will be charged at the international rates, since we have no control over incoming texts.
API Keys
This is where all your account API keys are located. If you're using our API to communicate with your account, you'll need API keys to authenticate your account. There are account level API keys and client level API keys. The account level keys are able to access all your account information including all your clients data, therefore must be used with caution. Please try to use individual client's API keys where possible.
If your API keys have been jeopardized, you can get a new API secret by clicking "Renew API Secret". Please note that once you renew your API secret all API calls with old key will be denied.