Add Subscribers to a List

Table of Contents

After you create a subscriber list, you can bulk import subscribers from a file or you can manually enter individual subscriber details. You can import subscribers using a CSV file format.

Import Subscribers from a File

Follow the steps below to import a file to a subscriber list in your account. If you don't already have a list, create one first.

  1. Click Lists & Subscribers under Smart Capture navigation, then select the relevant subscriber list.
  2. Select the relevant client from the breadcrumbs navigation link, if you have multiple clients.
  3. Click Import Subscribers in the left sidebar.
  4. To import a file, either drag-and-drop it from your desktop or click the option to Select a File to it from your computer and click Upload.
  5. If you're importing to a list of existing subscribers, you can select Update Subscribers to update any current subscribers with the current file data.
  6. Match the file columns with your subscriber list fields.
  7. Click Import to complete the import.

If your file contains more than 1000 subscribers, the file import will be queued  and you will be notified once the subscribers have been imported via email. Otherwise after the file has been imported you'll see a report with information on how many subscribers were added successfully on the next screen.


File Import Reports

The import report is to let you know if there were any email addresses or mobiles in your file that couldn't be imported.

Here is the full list of import problems that you could encounter:


Invalid Email Addresses

If your file contains incorrectly formatted email addresses they will not be imported. For example, if there's a space in the email address.

One of the filters used by DreamCampaigns to eliminate any invalid email address is, if the email came from a domain that provides disposable emails. There are hundreds of sites that provide this service, which is used by people who don't want to share their real email address. If the emails in your file is filtered as such those emails will be rejected.

We can only check that an email address is semantically valid, meaning it has the right elements in the right order, there are no spaces, it's not missing an "@" and so on. We cannot detect email addresses that are correctly formatted but invalid because they're no longer in use.


Invalid Mobile Numbers

If you're importing mobile numbers into your list, make sure the numbers are E.164 formatted otherwise we'll assume that they are US based numbers. 

Table below shows some example of valid/invalid numbers:

E.164 FormatCountry CodeCountrySubscriber Number