Account and Client API Keys

Table of Contents

Many of DreamCampaign's features are accessible through our RESTful API. To make API requests, you will need to authenticate using an API key.

Where to find your account API keys

To locate your API keys and client IDs:

  1. Click your profile image at the top right, then select Account settings.
  2. Click API keys in the left sidebar to view the page that holds your API keys.
  3. Click Show API key to view your account level API keys.



Client API keys

The API key page also lists API keys for each of your clients. These keys limit access to the relevant client's data, and aren't accessible to individual clients in their account. 


Change an API key

You can change account or client API secret key within your account. Also known as API key rotation, you would usually do this for security reasons.

After you've generated a new secret key, the old one will not be functional and all API calls with old key will be denied.


Before you change an API key

API keys are vital for external applications and integrations to communicate with DreamCampaigns. If you're running integrations or sending email & text using our API, and you're not familiar with the technical side, find the person that set up DreamCampaigns or your integrations, and ask for their help before you make the change.


How to change an API secret key

To generate a new API secret key, replacing the old one:

  1. Click your profile image at the top right, then select Account settings.
  2. Click API keys in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Renew next to the client you want to generate a new API secret key for.